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Newsletter Archive

Clicking the green button below each image will open a PDF version of the Club Newsletter. 

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Varmint Shoot, Military Shoot, 30-3D Shoot, Membership Meeting, Squirrel Hunt, Chili Cookoff, Travel Trap

New Members, MCCC Travel League, Big Buck Contest, Varmint Shoot, Military Rifle, Oktoberfest, Stocking for Vets, Saline Trap, Rifle Sight in, Gun A Day,

New Members, Saline Trap, Varmint shoot, Travel Skeet, Travel league, Hunter Safety

Archery Shoot, CPL Class, Trap, Cinco De Mayo Dinner, Camp out weekend

Election of Officers, Wild Game Dinner, Indoor Archery

Varmint Shoot - Archery Clean up Party - Military shoot - Archery - travel skeet - Travel Trap - classic arms -Gun a day

Gun a Day, Campout, Steak Roast, Archery, Varmint shoot, Military Shoot, Trap Hunters Safety

Trap Price, Archery Shoot, Hunter Safety, Barn Cleanout, St. Patrick Day Dinner

Officer Nomination, Big Buck Contest, Varmint Shoot, Military Rifle Shoot, Deer Rifle sight in, Classic Arms, Gun a Day, Wild game dinner

Varmint Shoot - Military Rifle - Travel Skeet - Hunters Safety - Archery - Camp out - Classic Arms

Archery Shoot, Trap, Cinco De Mayo Dinner, Camp out weekend

Dues Past Due, 3D Archery, Squirrel Hunt, Chili Cook-Off, Travel Trap

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